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December 26, 2017 – 12:52 pm | No Comment

This Week 7’s (12.14 – 12.31) Affirmation: Mindfulness – I will reach for mindfulness each day.
Date – 12.26.17
B-Book 44: Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
The key message in this book: Often we stop dead in our tracks …

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Home » Fitness

Rupe’s YoB: Phase III-Day 3(W31) – Legs

Submitted by on August 31, 2011 – 10:09 pm No Comment

Narrative: ( Total Time – 115mins)
Went pretty hard.  Had a really great time working through most of the workout, but started to weaken by the end.  Legs always seem to take the most out of me.   Did not complete my Leg curls, Standing Calves and all my abdominals…too exhausted.  I will make up for it tomorrow.

Abdominal Exercises:

As stated above, in this workout you should train your abs at the end of each session. Use these exercises:

  1. Oblique (L and R) Crunches – 1 sets of 25 reps
  2. Hanging Leg Raises – 2 sets of 25 reps
  3. Lying Left  Crunches – 4 sets of 25 reps
Tuesday – Legs
Exercise Sets Reps Weights
Squats 4 20, 15, 12, 10 90,90,110,110 lbs
Leg Press 3 15, 12, 10 270,360 lbs
Leg Extension 3 20, 15, 12 50,50,50 lbs
Leg Curl 4 20, 15, 12, 10 50,50, lbs
Straight Leg Deadlifts 3 15, 12, 10 90,140,180 lbs
Exercise Sets Reps Weights
Seated Calf Raise 3 15, 12, 10 90,90,90 lbs
Standing Calf Raise 3 20, 15, 12 x,x,x,x lbs

Cardio: 60 mins
Distance: 4.0 (4.0 + 0.0) – Morning Walk only
Calories: 1012
Crunches: 75

Total Distance: 177.49 miles (Goal 400/222.51 remain) *
Total Calories: 45,971 (Goal 80,000/34,029 remain) *
Total Crunches: 575 (Goal 25,000 / 23,975)

Good livin’…keep movin’!



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