At this point I am 1061 Days without a workout break and it is just absolutely so awesome.  It is getting to the end of winter and I am maintaining.

My pinch nerve situation continue to pop up every now and then.  Had an appointment to see doctor but pulled back to make it coincide with my yearly check up.  I feel pretty good as of right now – no real pain unless I force to turn my head to the left.

As usual, DareBee continues to be my mainstay; and as I stated before,  really can’t see a day ahead without it.

The beard is gone.  I cut it on my birthday as the wife wanted.  I am still getting use to the beardlessness again and it is weird.  My face looks different to me.  I look a bit emaciated in my view.  I will continue to watch it.  I might grow a short beard – that what she want, but I will have to see how that goes.

(Kept from previous foreword) – Additionally, I have added a couple layers of complexity or demand to my workout.  First, I am religiously sticking to DareBee and the Daily Dare; I am also, keeping the preliminaries.  Second, I have added a consecutive component – so, starting with the end of IronBorn (9 April 2017), I have worked consecutively.  I intend to push for 60 straight day, then see if I can get to 90.  So far I am enjoying it and my body seems to be rising to the occasion.  I caught the flu a few day before the end of the last phase (around May 2017) – I worked through it and was back up in only a couple of days.  It appears pushing through and forcing my body to continue working, I was able to push the flu out of my way.  I am also continuing my virtual push to OKC via Benton.  I am really enjoying that but I will have to pick up the mileage here in the next phase as I am running out of time. Keep leaning forward.


Updated: 7.1.19



DAY 31 (MAR 31) – Day 1088 of 2000
Distance: 272.97 + 9.16 =293.97 (Around the World Run: 9411.51)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 9.16 @ 129.91.00 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: Very good workout day.  No stress no issues at all.  Still having the pain in upper left but much reduced.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 31” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Power Grip – Day 1″ – Done Check!
Daily Dare (31/959): 50 Climber Taps – No worries, great core workout. – Check!
Distance: Added 9.16 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 30 (MAR 30) – Day 1087 of 2000
Distance: 272.97 + 11.84 = 284.81 (Around the World Run: 9402.35)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 11.84 @ 167.92 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: No issues today.  Got up really early and got my workout in.  Pretty fast run as well.  Today was a good day.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 30” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 30″ – Done Check!
Daily Dare (30/958): 2 60 Balanced Back Kicks – Nice balance complement to the Tree Pose from yesterday – Check!
Distance: Added 0.00 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 29 (MAR 29) – Day 1086 of 2000
Distance: 265.11 + 7.86 = 272.97 (Around the World Run: 9390.51)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 7.86 @ 11.47 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: Just took the day in stride.  I finished up my workout well before sundown and sat outside some.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 29” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 29″ – Done Check!
Daily Dare (29/957): 2 Minute Tree Pose – I absolutely love this pose. I makes me feel centered – Check!
Distance: Added 7.86 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 28 (MAR 28) – Day 1085 of 2000
Distance: 253.94 + 11.17 = 265.11 (Around the World Run: 9382.65)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 11.17 @ 158.42 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: Not too bad workout today.  Pain in upper left of back continues; hope it doesn’t get any worse before I can get  it checked out.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 28” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 28″ – Done Check!
Daily Dare (28/956): 200 Overhead Punches – Not too challenging, just right for my shoulders – Check!
Distance: Added 11.17 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 27 (MAR 27) – Day 1084 of 2000
Distance: 242.12 + 11.82 = 253.94 (Around the World Run: 9371.48)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 11.82 @ 167.64 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: Good and early workout.  Pushing back the nagging pain in upper right of my back.  Beyond that no issues.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 27” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 27″ – Done Check!
Daily Dare (27/955): 40 Seagulls – Pretty challenging due to pain in upper back. – Check!
Distance: Added 0.00 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 26 (MAR 26) – Day 1083 of 2000
Distance: 233.69+ 8.43 = 242.12 (Around the World Run: 9359.66)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 8.43 @ 119.56.00 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: Got the major part of my workout done by midmorning.  It is now 1038 and I just need to finish up my steps and cardio.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 26” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 26″ – Done Check!
Daily Dare (26/954): 40 Prone Fly Extensions – Pretty challenging due to pain in upper back. – Check!
Distance: Added 0.00 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 25 (MAR 25) – Day 1082 of 2000
Distance: 225.68 + 8.01 = 233.69 (Around the World Run: 9351.23)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps):  8.01 @ 113.60 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: Got up and got the major part of my workout done early. Just need to get my run/cardio in.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 25” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 25″ – Done Check!
Daily Dare (25/953): 2 Minute Elbow Clicks – Easy stuff. Not that much to this. Good upper body warm up though. – Check!
Distance: Added 8.01 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 24 (MAR 24) – Day 1081 of 2000
Distance: 217.94+ 7.74 = 225.68 (Around the World Run: 9343.22)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 7.74 @ 109.77 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: Good workout today. No issues at all with working out. Having a bit of pain in upper back and working with it.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 24” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 24″ – Done Check!
Daily Dare (24/952): 30 Boat Folds – Pretty good start to getting the core going this morning. I was also first out the block – Check!
Distance: Added 7.74 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!


DAY 23 (MAR 23) – Day 1080 of 2000
Distance: 206.76+ 11.18 = 217.94 (Around the World Run: 9335.48)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 11.18 @ 158.56 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: Good workout day.  Got the lion-share of my workout in and then finished up later in the day.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 23” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 23″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (23/951): 40 Plank Rotations – Easy day.  Nice compliment to my dailies. – Check!
Distance: Added 11.18 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 22 (MAR 22) – Day 1079 of 2000
Distance: 194.40+ 12.36 = 206.76 (Around the World Run: 9324.30)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps):  12.36 @ 175.29 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: Got up and got them done early but worked wit Chey and got my run in a bit later.  Good workout day.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 22” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 22″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (22/950):  40 Plank Knee to Elbow – Did them pretty late just before going to be but got them in anyway – Check!
Distance: Added 12.36 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 21 (MAR 21) – Day 1078 of 2000
Distance: 187.39+ 7.01 = 194.40 (Around the World Run: 9311.94)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 7.01 @ 163.10 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: Good all around workout day.  Got all my workout in and have now moved to a mix walk run for cardio.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 21” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 21″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (21/949): 40 Side-to-Side Lunges – Excellent start to the day in waking up the legs – Check!
Distance: Added 7.00 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 20 (MAR 20) – Day 1077 of 2000
Distance: 177.17+ 10.22 = 187.39 (Around the World Run: 9304.93)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 10.22 @ 144.94 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg in
Summary: Matter of fact day.  It is now 1749 and I need to get my run in and then clean the pool
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 20” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 20″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (20/948): 40 Raised Leg Circles – A bit challenging to the shoulder but good for building them up – Check!
Distance: Added 10.22 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 19 (MAR 19) – Day 1076 of 2000
Distance: 165.67+ 11.50 = 177.17 (Around the World Run: 9294.71)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 11.50 @ 163.10 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Good workout.  Took a bit longer because I was reading but I got everything done by 2100.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 19” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 19″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (19/947): 5 Minutes Raised Arm Hold – A bit challenging to the shoulder but good for building them up – Check!
Distance: Added 11.50 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 18 (MAR 18) – Day 1075 of 2000
Distance: 155.28+ 10.39 = 165.67 (Around the World Run: 9283.21)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 10.39 @ 147.36 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Overall good workout day. Spend quite a bit of time reading, but it was ok, I was able to finish my workout pretty early indeed.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 18” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 18″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (18/946): 50 Shoulder Taps– Another nice  compliment to my dailies – Check!
Distance: Added 10.39 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 17 (MAR 17) – Day 1074 of 2000
Distance: 148.25 + 7.03 =155.28 (Around the World Run: 9272.82)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 7.03 @ 99.70 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Nice workout day.  Got a bit of help with shoulder tap.  Speed walk was easy on the legs.  No problem.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 17” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 17″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (17/945): 17  Side-to-Side Hops – Nice burn for the thighs. – Check!
Distance: Added 0.00 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 16 (MAR 16) – Day 1073 of 2000
Distance: 133.23 + 15.02 = 148.25 (Around the World Run: 9265.79)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 15.02 @ 213.02 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Not too bad workout day.  Sort of stretched it out some.  Go it done, but with a bit of a struggle – not too motivated.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 15” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 15″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (16/944): 2 Minute O-Pose – Awesome core exercise wake up to. – Check!
Distance: Added 0.00 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 15 (MAR 15) – Day 1072 of 2000
Distance: 126.07 + 7.16 = 133.23 (Around the World Run: 9250.77)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 7.16 @ 10155 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Slow workout day.  Body feels pretty fine, although I do feel a bit tired.  Just need to get my steps/cardio/mileage in.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 15” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 15″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (15/943): 200 Squat Hold Punches – Pretty challenging but good work for the leg. – Check!
Distance: Added 7.16 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 14 (MAR 14) – Day 1071 of 2000
Distance: 117.65 + 8.42 = 126.07 (Around the World Run: 9243.61)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 8.42 @ 119.42 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary:  Generally good workout day.  Got the run in late. My body feels good.  Still a bit concerned about going out in public but that’s 
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 14” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 14″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (14/942): 200 Squat Hold Punches – Pretty challenging but good work for the leg. – Check!
Distance: Added 8.042 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 13 (MAR 13) – Day 1070 of 2000
Distance: 104.59 + 13.06 = 117.65 (Around the World Run: 9235.19)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 13.06 @ 185.22 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Not a bad workout day.  Got it done relative early before going out to return stuff at Walmart.  Not too much going on there.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 13” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 13″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (13/941): 200 Squat Hold Punches – Pretty challenging but good work for the leg. – Check!
Distance: Added 13.06 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 12 (MAR 12) – Day 1069 of 2000
Distance: 97.44 + 7.15 = 104.59 (Around the World Run: 9222.13)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 7.15 @ 101.40 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Late log – days are getting away from me a bit.  Pretty good workout day.  Had to break up my speed walk to get pizza.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 12” – Done! – Ck!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 12″ – Done  Ck!
Daily Dare (12/940): 2 Minute Butt Kicks – No issues with this.  Good support to dailies – Check!
Distance: Added 7.15 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 11 (MAR 11) – Day 1068 of 2000
Distance: 86.54 + 10.90 = 97.44 (Around the World Run: 9214.98)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 10.90 @ 154.59 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Good workout today.  Not much to it.  Just need to finish up my cardio/steps.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 11” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 11″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (11/939): 2 Minute Overhead Clench/Unclench – Pretty nice stretch for the leg.  Loved it! – Check!
Distance: Added 10.90 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 10 (MAR 10) – Day 1067 of 2000
Distance: 78.39 + 8.15 = 86.54 (Around the World Run: 9204.08
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 8.15 @ 115.59 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Feel a bit tired today but I got in the prep for Chey and did my workout.  I tis now 2125 and I am gonna get an early night.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 10” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 10″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (10/938): 60 Second Back Arch Balance Hold – Pretty nice stretch for the leg.  Loved it! – Check!
Distance: Added 0.00 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 9 (MAR 9) – Day 1066 of 2000
Distance: 68.17 + 10.22 = 78.39 (Around the World Run: 9195.93
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 10.22 @ 144.94 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Pretty similar day to yesterday. Spent most of the day working with Chey. We did a marathon chemistry session. Poor cardio.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 9” – Done – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 9″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (9/937): 30 Single Leg Bridges – I have always found this a bit challenging due to tight hams; today was no different. – Check!
Distance: Added 10.22 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 8 (MAR 8) – Day 1065 of 2000
Distance: 61.26 + 6.91 = 68.17 (Around the World Run: 9185.71
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 6.91 @ 98.00 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Good workout today.  Gobbled up some porridge and started working on Chey’s notes
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 8” – Raised Arm Holds, Raised Arm Circles, Chest Expansion, Wide Shoulder Rotation – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 8″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (8/936): 20 Downward-Upward Dogs – I have always found this a bit challenging due to tight hams; today was no different. – Check!
Distance: Added 6.91 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 7 (MAR 7) – Day 1064 of 2000
Distance: 49.78 + 11.48 = 61.26 (Around the World Run: 9178.80
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 11.48 @ 162.81in (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Nothing much to report on this day.  Got up late, felt groggy and just workout.  I got to my cardio pretty late.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 7” – Done – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 7″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (7/935): 50 Prone Reverse Flyes –  A bit challenging on the shoulders but definitely worth it – Check!
Distance: Added 11.48 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 6 (MAR 6) – Day 1063 of 2000
Distance: 33.42 + 8.95 = 49.78 (Around the World Run: 9167.32)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 8.95 @ 126.93 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Ok workout day.  Got up and got it done pretty early but it is now 2141 and I haven’t finished my cardio/run/steps.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 6” – Done – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 6″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (6/934): 100 Sidekicks –  Good wake up for the legs.  Good stuff – Check!
Distance: Added 8.95 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 5 (MAR 5) – Day 1062 of 2000
Distance: 33.42 + 7.41 = 40.83 (Around the World Run: 9158.37)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 7.41 @ 105.09 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Good workout.  As I sit here, I have not finished my run/cardio/steps yet.  But I am on my way to do that right now.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 5” – Done – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 5″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (5/933): 20 Hop Heel Clicks  – Another too easy start to my day; and again I will take it though without complaints – Check!
Distance: Added 7.41 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 4 (MAR 4) – Day 1061 of 2000
Distance: 24.59 + 8.83 = 33.42 (Around the World Run: 9150.96)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 8.83 @ 125.23 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Pretty similar day to yesterday. Spent most of the day working with Chey. We did a marathon chemistry session. Poor cardio.
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 4” – Done   – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 4″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (4/932): 2 Min Palm Strikes  – Too easy start to my day.  I will take it though without complaints – Check!
Distance: Added 8.83 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 3 (MAR 3) – Day 1060 of 2000
Distance: 16.63 + 7.96 = 24.59 (Around the World Run: 9142.13)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 7.96 @ 112.89 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: Not too bad day.  I feel a bit sore after a couple days hitting the lower body relative hard.  
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 3” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 3″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (3/931): 40 Lunge Twists  – Not too intense leg workout.  Loved it! – Check!
Distance: Added 7.96 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 2 (MAR 2) – Day 1059 of 2000
Distance: 08.58 + 8.05 = 16.63 (Around the World Run: 9134.17)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 8.05 @ 114.17 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: It is now 1246 – I am done with the major part of my workout.  I just need to get the cardio and steps done!
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Days of Cardio – Day 2” – Done! – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 2″ – Done  Check!
Daily Dare (1/930): 60 Sec Reverse Planks  – Great planking move to complement my dailies – Check!
Distance: Added 8.05 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–DAY 30 / Day 1 (MAR 1) – Day 1058 of 2000
Distance: 00.00 + 8.58 = 8.58 (Around the World Run: 9126.12)
Cardio (Mixed: Run/Steps): 8.58 @ 121.69 min (30 min.: 30-5-5.5; 5deg incline)
Summary: It is now 1748 and I have just completed the major part of my workout, I just need to finish up with my cardio and steps.
DareBee Exercise-1: “Baseline – Day 30” – Side Jacks, Step Jacks,  Chest Expansions, Raised Arm Circles  – Check!
DareBee Exercise-1: “60 Day Cardio – Day 1” – Jacks and Lunges  – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Upper Body Challenge – Day 30” – 340 x Raised Arm Circles – Check!
DareBee Exercise-2: “Abs of Steel – Day 1″ – Done – Check!
DareBee Exercise-3: “1 Minute Plank Challenge – Day 30” – Done! – Check!
Daily Dare (30/929): 100 Jumping Jacks – Excellent start to the day.  A great compliment to my dailies- Check!
Distance: Added 8.58 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 7.00 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!