Pushing into the 3rd phase which will be a short 7-Day workout.  It focuses on full body involvement using boxing techniques.  Additionally, I have added a couple layers of complexity or demand to my workout.  First, I am religiously sticking to DareBee and the Daily Dare; I am also, keeping the preliminaries.  Second, I have added a consecutive component – so, starting with the end of IronBorn, I have worked consecutively.  I intend to push for 60 straight day, then see if I can get to 90.  So far I am enjoying it and my body seems to be rising to the occassion.  I caught the flu a few day before the end of the last phase – I worked through it and was back up in only a couple of days.  It appears push through and forcing my body to continue working, I was able to push the flu out of my way.  I am also continuing my virtual push to OKC via Benton.  I am really enjoying that but I will have to pick up the mileage here in the next phase as I am running out of time. Keep leaning forward.


DAY 7 [MAY 15] – Day 41 of 60
Distance: 19.11 + 2.65 = 21.76 (LA-OK Run: 295.68)
Cardio (Treadmill): 2.0 @ 15.33 min  (Excellent run)
Daily Dares : 50 Dead Bugs 
Summary: Even earlier today and it feels even better.  Today is the final day of Boxing Week and that was actually pretty cool.  Lots of punches and a series of squats worked in.  Not much overlap with pre’s today, so I just rant through them.  I will do DD later, since the new exercise has not come out as yet.  I will also add my total mileage for today later, but as a placeholder – I added a total of 2.65 on my way to OKC via Benton. Boxing my pants off..Ciao!

DAY 6 [MAY 14] – Day 40 of 60
Distance: 15.67 + 3.44 = 19.11 (LA-OK Run: 293.03)
Cardio (Treadmill): 2.0 @ 16.21 min  (Excellent run)
Daily Dares : 50 Dead Bugs 
Summary: Went for an early workout today to get ahead – it was really good.  Today was all about the abs. Lots of situps and punch, knee ins, leg lifts, planks etc.  I have really worked the crap out of my core over the last couple years and I feel pretty good about it.  It is always cool to push them some.  I also, for the second time in as many days went on an around the block trek.  I had a spritely sprint for a couple of miles and overall had a total of 3.44mi on my way to OKC via Benton. Going to the big show..Ciao!

DAY 5 [MAY 13] – Day 39 of 60
Distance: 13.15 + 2.52 = 15.67 (LA-OK Run: 289.59)
Cardio (Treadmill): 2.0 @ 15.44 min  (Excellent run)
Daily Dares : 30 Matrix Tilts 
Summary: Not too bad workout – not as challenging as previous days, but does offer enough of a burn especially in the elbow to knee lunge.  It was good to get some stretches in as well – I just get as much as I really should.  O definitely need to work on that.  The matrix tilts were really good – get a nice stretch with those as well.  The first time was pretty tough; this time around, I think my body is better conditioned.  Other than that, I did my pre’s as I am supposed to,  Ran a pretty good run for my 2miler and racked up 2.52mi total on my way to OKC via Benton. It so nice..Ciao!

DAY 4 [MAY 12] – Day 38 of 60 Distance: 8.56 + 4.59 = 13.15 (LA-OK Run: 287.07) Cardio (Elliptical): 2.0 @ 18.23 min  (Ok run) Daily Dares : 60 Sec Chest Squeeze  Summary: Pretty tough workout for the main exercise – power pushups, burpees, jump knee tuck, hop squats and lots of punches.  This boxer series is actually pretty touch – mostly full body workout.  I am able to work some of the regular pre’s into it, but generally not too many.  Went on a easy walk around the block twice to warm up the muscle and then a 2mi on the elliptical at an easy pace.  Overall, added another 4.59mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton. Loving it…babee…Ciao!

DAY 3 [MAY 11] – Day 37 of 60 Distance: 5.61 + 2.95 = 8.56 (LA-OK Run: 282.48) Cardio (Elliptical): 2.0 @ 15.40 min  (Excellent run) Daily Dares : 60 Sec Squat Hold Summary: Great workout, pretty heavy on the legs; lots of hopping.  Ran through my pre’s with no issues and then my run.  I did the DD earlier which freed me up quite a bit – very short workout – about 45 min max.  Ran a pretty fast 2miler and  due to much moving around, I had a total of 2.95 mi added to my total on my way to OKC via Benton. Getting it done…babee…Ciao!

DAY 2 [MAY 10] – Day 36 of 60 Distance: 2.47 + 3.14 = 5.61 (LA-OK Run: 279.63) Cardio (Elliptical): 2.0 @ 16.36 min  (Good  run) Daily Dares : 40 Knee to Elbow Crunch Summary: Really do not feel like I have moved on.  I need to update and change my log.  I think I will call this phase break – maybe.  That sound kinda weird, but I think I need to work this in some how.  So far I like it.  It is up there in intensity with Power Cardio.  And since I am sticking to level 1, the body is at peace.  Today was a lot of high knees, squats, punches and plank.  It was generally a full body workout.  Did get to fold some of the movements form pre’s, so that helped.  DD was very easy, now that I have completed 2 of the hards program.  I did a medium run for 2mi today, but had a total of 3.14 overall on my way to OKC via Benton.  Awesome…babee…Ciao!

DAY 1 [MAY 09] – Day 35 of 60 Distance: 0.00 + 2.47 = 2.47 (LA-OK Run: 276.39) Cardio (Elliptical): 2.0 @ 15.23 min  (more brilliant run) Daily Dares : 40 Bridge Taps Summary: Now I am on to the next phase, so I am doing a 1 week challenge – namely the Boxing Week.  Once I get through this week then I will might do another weekly challenge or move on to another program.  For right now, I am just keeping active and getting caught up.  I feel fit, I just got over a pretty bad flu in record time and now I am ready to go again.  Last night was all about pushup punches and jump rope.  No issues on the pre’s and added 2.47mi on my  way to OKC via Benton.  In between space babee…Ciao!