Oh boy August came and when without even a thought.  I am blown away by how fast time is passing now.   Lots of activity during the month of August:  too Marcus back up to Cornell, visited and spent a day in Washington, DC visiting the various sites and monuments, visited Niagara and stayed in AirBnB in Newfane, about 30 min east of the falls.  We took our time and came back after spending about a week on the road.  It was really great to have the entire family on the road.  At this point I am 879 Days without a workout break. My Vivoactive 3 is still doing quite well, I think I can drop this part now.  I did find my old one and yes, it is totally dead.  I might try to see if I can even replace the battery.  This month, September, as we head into the Fall, I am gonna focus on eating and proper sleeping along with the yoga to de-stress.  Lot going on along the periphery, but such is life. I am still in the mid180-190s, but I am seeing a little abs, if I stand in the shadow some.  

This remains true – Still giving much love to DareBee with my dailies and Daily Dare.  I simply love it.  I am feeling fit and strong

Beard is still here; wife is still not giving any love to it.  I got me some beard oil, and resisting the cut.

Chey is now back in school with full force and Marcus is finishing up his final year.  I need to have Chey driving by the end of the year.  She is preparing for her PSAT in October and will be taking her SAT and ACT both in December.  We had a slight hiccup with her playing band this semester, and while it remains a flea in my bonnet, I have moved on.     

(Kept from previous foreword) – Additionally, I have added a couple layers of complexity or demand to my workout.  First, I am religiously sticking to DareBee and the Daily Dare; I am also, keeping the preliminaries.  Second, I have added a consecutive component – so, starting with the end of IronBorn (9 April 2017), I have worked consecutively.  I intend to push for 60 straight day, then see if I can get to 90.  So far I am enjoying it and my body seems to be rising to the occasion.  I caught the flu a few day before the end of the last phase (around May 2017) – I worked through it and was back up in only a couple of days.  It appears pushing through and forcing my body to continue working, I was able to push the flu out of my way.  I am also continuing my virtual push to OKC via Benton.  I am really enjoying that but I will have to pick up the mileage here in the next phase as I am running out of time. Keep leaning forward.


Updated: 7.1.19



DAY 30 [ SEP 30) – Day 906 of 1000
– Distance: 296.89 + 9.30 = 306.19 (Around the World Run: 7639.98)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 9.30 @ 131.90 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary:
Today is final day of Yoga.  I will be focusing on cardio in coming months.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Just awesome to finish off the month with meditation – Check!

– Daily Dare (262/782)  30 Infinity Circles  – I did these the day after since it came out late.  Awesome stuff  – Check!
– Distance: Added 9.30 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 29 [ SEP 29) – Day 905 of 1000
– Distance:  288.66 + 8.23 = 296.89 (Around the World Run: 7630.68)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 8.23 @ 116.72 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary:
On the road but got it done. Left Ocala late morning got up to Jax felt tired, but pulled it out .
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Really good yoga workout this morning.  Good stretches – Check!

– Daily Dare (261/781)  30 Infinity Circles  – I have been out of rhythm for a minute, but I am back in the game – Check!
– Distance: Added 8.23 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 28 [ SEP 28) – Day 904 of 1000
– Distance:  281.49 + 7.17 = 288.66 (Around the World Run: 7622.45)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 7.17 @ 101.69 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Pretty late workout over at Will.  The ants gave me a warm time, so I had to hit the front driveway .
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Pretty cool stretches.  No issues here – Check!

– Daily Dare (260/780)  50 Knee to Elbow Twists  – I missed this on the acutal day, but made it up. – Check!
– Distance: Added 7.17 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 27 [ SEP 27) – Day 903 of 1000
– Distance:  272.46 + 9.03 = 281.49 (Around the World Run: 7615.28)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 9.03 @ 128.07 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Got up early and knocked out the workout today.  And since the regular is just meditating, it was easy .
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 I love to meditate – Check!

– Daily Dare (259/779)  60 Second Squat Hold  – Just a slight bit challenging as usual, I love it. – Check!
– Distance: Added 9.03 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 26 [ SEP 26) – Day 902 of 1000
– Distance:  264.81 + 7.65 = 272.46 (Around the World Run: 7606.25)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 7.65 @ 108.50 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Ok day, trying to get things down to head down to Ocala for Uncle Willie’s homegoing.  Need to finish up.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Did this pretty early.  I took a bit to get the muscles stretched tho – Check!

– Daily Dare (258/778)  60 Balanced Swings  – Pretty good exercise.  My glutes are firing right now.  – Check!
– Distance: Added 7.65 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 25 [ SEP 25) – Day 901 of 1000
– Distance:  256.38 + 8.43 = 264.81 (Around the World Run: 7598.60)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 8.43 @ 126.51 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Late workout so I completed it major part at 2240.  I now need to get my steps in.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Really nice stretches.  I need to incorporate those daily for flex – Check!

– Daily Dare (257/777)  30 Circle Crunches  – Just getting in the core workout.  I love it.  – Check!
– Distance: Added 8.43 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 24 [ SEP 24) – Day 901 of 1000
– Distance:  247.46 + 8.92 = 256.38 (Around the World Run: 7590.17)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 8.92 @ 126.51 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Sort of a rough day.  Got everything done but I just feel a bit tired. 
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Easy freaking day, just had to meditate for 15 minutes.  Good – Check!

– Daily Dare (256/776)  5 Reverse Grip Pushups  – A bit of a strain on the shoulder but not too bad.  – Check!
– Distance: Added 8.92 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 23 [ SEP 23) – Day 900 of 900
– Distance:  238.45 + 9.01 = 247.46 (Around the World Run: 7581.25)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 9.01 @ 127.78 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
It is 10:35 and I only have to finish up with my steps/cardio.  Feel good right now with the endorphins going.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 I am really enjoying this yoga stuff.  This morning was quite useful – Check!

– Daily Dare (255/775)  60 Shoulder Taps  – Very helpful in getting baseline done today. Pretty easy  – Check!
– Distance: Added 9.01 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 22 [ SEP 22) – Day 899 of 900
– Distance:  229.69 + 8.76 = 238.45 (Around the World Run: 7572.24)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 8.76 @ 124.24 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Good workout day.  Kinda pressed on into the late evening, but that’s ok.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Really good yoga session today.  – Check!

– Daily Dare (254/774)  2 Minute Overhead Punches  – Way too easy, but a bit stressful on the shoulders  – Check!
– Distance: Added 8.76 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 21 [ SEP 21) – Day 898 of 900
– Distance:  216.73 + 12.93 = 229.69 (Around the World Run: 7563.48)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 12.93 @ 183.80 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Long workout day today.  Actually it was not too much hacklings but it clearly pushed me a bit.  
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Oh boy.  It seems as tho er’time I turn around it’s meditation again – Check!

– Daily Dare (253/773)  40 Single Leg Bridges  – A Nice start to the day working the core.  I love the Core!  – Check!
– Distance: Added 12.93. mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 20 [ SEP 20) – Day 897 of 900
– Distance:  206.38 + 10.35 = 216.73 (Around the World Run: 7550.72)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 10.35 @ 146.79 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Awesome workout day.  Really great, but short set of yoga stretches and I just bust through with the rest.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Lots of planking moves so helpful with the rest of my regiment – Check!

– Daily Dare (252/772)  3 Min Arm Extensions  – A bit challenging to the shoulder given my pool work yesterday – Check!
– Distance: Added 10.35 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 19 [ SEP 19) – Day 896 of 900
– Distance:  198.50  + 8.38 = 206.38 (Around the World Run: 7540.17)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 8.38 @ 118.35 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary:
I pretty much knocked out everything by 9-ish and just had my cardio/steps to get done.  New approach.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga” –  
This morning was great.  Moderate amount of stretch, good stuff – Check!

– Daily Dare (251/771)  40 Knee in and Twists  – Good exercise to wake up to.  Got the core hopping – Check!
– Distance: Added 8.40 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 18 [ SEP 18) – Day 895 of 900
– Distance:  189.60 + 8.40 = 198.50 (Around the World Run: 7531.79)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 8.40 @ 119.13 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Not much to say here.  Spent great deal of time outside.  Came in and got it done.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Not much to say here. Had to meditate for 10min – ops normal – Check!

– Daily Dare (250/770)  40 Reverse Plank Kicks  – Pretty easy workout for the leg.  I love it. – Check!
– Distance: Added 8.40 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 17 [ SEP 17) – Day 894 of 900
– Distance:  178.23 + 11.07 = 189.60 (Around the World Run: 7523.39)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 11.07 @ 157.00 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Got it done.  Just need to get the mileage and cardio down.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Relatively easy workout today.  A bit challenging on the instep tho  – Check!

– Daily Dare (249/769)  40 Side Plank Rotations – This was pretty challenging this morning.  I just wasn’t ready. – Check!
– Distance: Added 11.07 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 16 [ SEP 16) – Day 893 of 900
– Distance:  167.22 + 11.31 = 178.53 (Around the World Run: 7512.32)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 11.31 @ 160.40 min (keeping it going…)
Summary: Good and early workout day.  Not much of an issue and I feel pretty good.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga” Nice all around stretches – getting used to it – Check!
Daily Dare (248/768)  30 Glute Flexes – This does work my sciatica, but that just the way it has to be. – Check!
Distance: Added 11.31 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 15 [ SEP 15) – Day 892 of 900
– Distance:  156.44 + 10.78 = 167.22 (Around the World Run: 7501.01)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 10.78 @ 152.89 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Quick workout today since my main workout was not that involved.  I just had to meditate.  Steps/cardio left.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 I just had to meditate today for 10 mins.  No sweat I love that – Check!

– Daily Dare (247/767)  60 Second Hooks – Good session.  The right shoulder keep knocking but that’s ok. – Check!
– Distance: Added 10.78 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 14 [ SEP 14) – Day 891 of 900
– Distance:  142.37 + 14.07 = 156.44 (Around the World Run: 7490.23)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 14.07 @ 199.55 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Good workout day.  It is just after 1300 and I just need to get my steps/cardio in.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Did this pretty early.  I took a bit to get the muscles stretched tho – Check!

– Daily Dare (246/766)  60 Second Back Arch Balance Hold – Easy day; no pain.  Fits in with my yoga. – Check!
– Distance: Added 14.07 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 13 [ SEP 13) – Day 890 of 900
– Distance:  128.87 + 13.50 = 142.37 (Around the World Run: 7476.16)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 13.50 @ 191.46 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
I had a pretty good workout day today.  Just got up, did the yoga and got on with it.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Really good yoga stretches today.  It is challenging, but doable. – Check!

– Daily Dare (245/765)  40 Reverse Lunges –  No issues here.  Great supplemental to my workout – Check!
– Distance: Added 13.50 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 12 [ SEP 12) – Day 889 of 900
– Distance:  119.08 + 9.79 = 128.87 (Around the World Run: 7462.66)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 9.79 @ 138.85 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Took me a while get this done.  Had to do it later due to working with Grid.  No issues tho.  Pain free!
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Any day I just have to meditate for a workout is a great day – Check!

– Daily Dare (244/764)  40 Prone Fly Extensions –   For the first time in a long time it does not feel inflamed  – Check!
– Distance: Added 9.79 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 11 [ SEP 11) – Day 888 of 900
– Distance:  108.38 + 10.70 = 119.08 (Around the World Run: 7452.87)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 10.70 @ 151.75 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Done for the day.  Knock everything out by 1300-ish.  I love these days.  I can focus more.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Did I rather enjoyed this morning’s session; think I am getting the hang – Check!

– Daily Dare (243/763)  60 Second Calf Raise –   Felt pretty good today.  Did not have any issues with right foot  – Check!
– Distance: Added 10.70 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 10 [ SEP 10) – Day 887 of 900
– Distance:  97.14+ 11.24 = 108.38 (Around the World Run: 7442.14)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 11.24 @ 159.41 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Ok workout day.  Feel pretty tired.  Did not get much shut eyes last night, but that’s ok, keep going.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Did this pretty early.  I took a bit to get the muscles stretched tho – Check!

– Daily Dare (242/762)  40 Squat Hold Bends –   Oh yes, another great wake to the leg. I am loving it. – Check!
– Distance: Added 11.24 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 9 [ SEP 9) – Day 886 of 900
– Distance:  86.81 + 10.33 = 97.14 (Around the World Run: 7430.93)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 10.33 @ 146.50 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary:
Another good day.  Finished up my workout just after midday and looking forward to a good rest.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Did this pretty early.  I took a bit to get the muscles stretched tho – Check!

– Daily Dare (241/761)  40 Lunges with Twists –  Oh yeah!  Another great thigh day.  I love it – Check!
– Distance: Added 10.33 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 8 [ SEP 8) – Day 885 of 900
– Distance:  74.15 + 12.66 = 86.81 (Around the World Run: 7420.60)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 12.66 @ 179.55 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary:
Pretty good all around workout.  Lots of reading done.  Need to cut back.  Want to win this week.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Did this pretty early.  I took a bit to get the muscles stretched tho – Check!

– Daily Dare (240/760)  50 Squats –  Oh yeah!  Got those thigh muscles going.  I love it – Check!
– Distance: Added 12.66 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 7 [ SEP 7) – Day 884 of 900
– Distance:  63.15 + 11.00 = 74.15 (Around the World Run: 7407.94)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 11.00 @ 156.01 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Pretty fast workout day.  Got what I want to do done and just had to focus on steps and mileage.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Did this pretty early.  I took a bit to get the muscles stretched tho – Check!

– Daily Dare (239/759)  40 Knee Crunches –  Core working in the morning is always great.  I love the core! – Check!
– Distance: Added 11.00 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 6 [ SEP 6) – Day 883 of 900
– Distance:  50.92 + 12.23 = 63.15 (Around the World Run: 7396.94)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 12.23 @ 173.45 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
I feel pretty ok today.  Dropped off car to get some work done.  Doing fine mentally and physically.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Oh boy, I love these day.  Just meditating is awesome – Check!

– Daily Dare (238/758)  40 Seagulls –  Awesome core work.  I love these.  I love the core! – Check!
– Distance: Added 12.23 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 5 [ SEP 5) – Day 882 of 900
– Distance:  40.45 + 10.47 = 50.92 (Around the World Run: 7384.71)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 10.47 @ 148.49 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Pretty ok workout day.  Mentally I am still in a weird place, physically I feel good.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Not too bad workout.  It was a bit challenging on the instep some – Check!

– Daily Dare (237/757)   2 Min Raised Arm Circles –  Not too bad, but a bit challenging for left prob shoulder – Check!
– Distance: Added 10.47 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 4 [ SEP 4) – Day 881 of 900
– Distance:  29.47 + 10.98 = 40.45 (Around the World Run: 7374.24)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 10.98 @ 155.72 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary: 
Not too challenging yoga day.  It was really great in improving flexibility.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Probably the easiest exercise ever.  Knocked it out without issue – Check!

– Daily Dare (236/756)  30 Air Circles –  This is not an easy exercise for me.  I find it to be among the hardest – Check!
– Distance: Added 10.98 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 3 [ SEP 3) – Day 880 of 900
– Distance:  18.97 + 10.50 = 29.47 (Around the World Run: 7363.26)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 10.50 @ 148.92 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary:  
Really easy day.  Just had to do 5 mins of yoga for the main DB so that was way too easy.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Probably the easiest exercise ever.  Knocked it out without issue – Check!

– Daily Dare (235/755)  2 Min High Knees –  Love these – do them every day.  Easy day for the Core – Check!
– Distance: Added 10.50 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 2 [ SEP 2) – Day 879 of 900
– Distance:  8.94 + 10.03 =  18.97 (Around the World Run: 7352.76)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 10.03 @ 142.035 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary:  
No problems at all getting today done.  We are on hurricane watch, but all’s ok for now.
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
It was a bit harder than yesterday, but not too much – Check!

– Daily Dare (234/754  60 Flutter Kicks –  Love these – do them every day.  Easy day for the Core – Check!
– Distance: Added 10.03 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!

DAY 1 [ SEP 1) – Day 878 of 900
– Distance: 00.00 + 8.94 =  8.94 (Around the World Run: 7342.73)
Cardio (Mixed: Steps): 08.94 @ 126.79 min (keeping it going…)
– Summary:  
Not a bad first day of this workout.  It felt a bit strange.  Yoga as a workout, but I have baseline
DareBee Exercise-1 : “30 Days of Yoga”
 Wow!  First day.  It seemed simply but it was freaking intense – Check!

– Daily Dare (233/753)  60 Climbers –  All about the core.  I love these; just make my workout day easier – Check!
– Distance: Added 8.94 mi to my total on my way around the World. Rest: I will get 6.75 hours of sleep each night! Ciao!