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December 26, 2017 – 12:52 pm | No Comment

This Week 7’s (12.14 – 12.31) Affirmation: Mindfulness – I will reach for mindfulness each day.
Date – 12.26.17
B-Book 44: Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
The key message in this book: Often we stop dead in our tracks …

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Home » Musical Words, My Videos

My Tribute to Whitney: August 9,1963 – February 11, 2012

Submitted by on February 11, 2012 – 11:58 pm No Comment

This is one of the saddest days I have known.  The funny thing about it is while I am not surprised about this outcome, I am just so pissed off.  I know we are all responsible for our actions, and Whitney was no saint, but in many ways she is.  She fell in love with an absolute figgin  little son of a —- who destroyed her.  The two lessons here is – 1.  Love is the most powerful emotion and 2.  one can be destroyed by those closest to them and 3.  there are angels

Whitney’s voice is a national treasure of the U.S.  There has being no voice like hers in my life time and I don’t think I will live long enough to see another like her.  To that which has created all things, accept her in warmth.

Click here or scroll down to the bottom to see one of my favorite videos that shows the soul and power of Whitney’s voice.


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