“If you Google me, one of the first things that comes up is a Cosmo headline that’s like, ‘Why I Cheated on My Husband,’ ” laughed author Ada Calhoun. “I’m not mortified by it, but oh, God, it’s one of the first things. And my husband thinks it’s hilarious. He’s like, ‘That’s a good title. I’d click on that.’”
In her book, “Wedding Toasts I’ll Never Give,” a partial memoir about the idiosyncrasies of the modern marriage, Calhoun explores her own infidelity. She and a colleague “made out, but not too much, unless you think that anything when you’re married to someone else is too much,” Calhoun described in a phone interview. The book, whose title comes from her 2015 New York Times Modern Love essay, also touches on her
Source: WAPO – Rachel Raczka
My Comment: Really insightful and good read.