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December 26, 2017 – 12:52 pm | No Comment

This Week 7’s (12.14 – 12.31) Affirmation: Mindfulness – I will reach for mindfulness each day.
Date – 12.26.17
B-Book 44: Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
The key message in this book: Often we stop dead in our tracks …

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Home » Fitness

Body at War 2012: Day# 5 – Cardio

Submitted by on March 28, 2012 – 1:18 pm No Comment

Narrative: (Duration – 72mins)
Day number 5; Today was another good torcher day, more or less maintained the intensity from last workout.  Cardio continues to improve steadily.  I also continue to add movement exercise into the mix; no weightlifting at this point, besides a couple of 35lbs in my obliques. Also, focus continue to be working resistance vs speed.  I will work speed into the mix later.  Good livin’…just keep on movin’

Abdominal Exercises:

    1. Oblique (L and R) Crunches  w/35lbs DB – 4 sets of 25 reps each side – 200
    2. Standing Reverse Crunches – 4 sets of 25 reps – 100
    3. Hanging Leg Raises – 4 sets of 25 reps – 100
    4. Lying Left Crunches – 3 sets of 20 reps – 60
    5. Lying Right Crunch – 3 sets of 20 reps – 60
    6. Front Crunch – 6 sets of 15 – 90
    7. Decline Crunches – 4 set of 25 reps – 100
    8. Push ups – 5 sets of 15 +10 – 85

Cardio: (Duration – 60min) @ Intensity Level: 7.8
Type: Elliptical
Distance: 5.20
Calories: 1310 (Grrrrr! yes! get some!)

Goal and Statistics
Total Distance:  20.97 (15.77+5.20) miles (Goal 500/0.0 remain)
Total Calories:  4497 (3187+1310) (Goal 100,000/0.0 remain)
Total Crunches:  775 (475+300) (Goal 20,000 / 0)
Total Push Ups:  196 (110+85) (Goal 10,000 / 0)

Good livin’…keep movin’!

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