just Writing Articles

Only in America: Four years into life, poor kids are already an entire year behind

This is a major blemish for a country that likes to call itself the greatest in the world. Wealthy parents aren't just able to send their kids to top pre-schools—they can also purchase the latest learning technology and ensure their children experience as many...

20 misused English words that make smart people look silly – Quartz

We’re all tempted to use words that we’re not too familiar with. If this were the only problem, I wouldn’t have much to write about. That’s because we’re cautious with words we’re unsure of and, thus, they don’t create much of an issue for us. It’s the words that we...

Analysis and Critique: How to Engage and Write about Anything

For thousands of years, writing has been a powerful way for us to communicate with one another, to share our distinct thoughts and ideas through the power of words. Even in today's technologically saturated 21st century, we still express ourselves in writing almost...

Fifty Writing Tools: Quick List

by Roy Peter Clark (The Poynter Institute) I. Nuts and Bolts 1. Begin sentences with subjects and verbs. Make meaning early, then let weaker elements branch to the right. 2. Order words for emphasis. Place strong words at the beginning and at the end. 3. Activate your...