Probably one of the best workout day I have had recently. I felt strong through the entire workout. I had a yogurt and an energy before heading out to the gym…that might be the trick. In addition, as I have been doing the last few upperbody workout, I went for a 30min Elliptical hit at high intensity.   I continue to maintain my weight goal, workout are going well, and I generally feel great about life…oohyeahhh!!! .
Workout: Day 36 (M20/Upper Body I) – 81mins/1min rest
Bench press 1×12,10,10 (70,75,75)
Incline press 1×12,10,10 (45,50,50)
Front Military Press 1×12,10,10 (40,40,40)
Bench Dips 3×15
Push Down 3×12 (130,140,140) + 3×25@60
Forward Arm Raises – 3×15 (15lbs plates) – can substitue DB punch
Bent-over Lateral – 3×15
Cardio: 30mins
Distance: 4.0
Pushups: 0
Calories: 1235
Total Distance: 98.52 miles (Goal 250/151.48 remain) *
Total Calories: 23,939 (Goal 50,000/26,061 remain) *
Total Pushups: 1,555 (Goal 10,000 / 8,445)
Good livin’…keep movin’!