I have temporarily pulled back some on my weightlifting in order to give both my left wrist and my right elbow a bit of time to heal.  I have been having quite a bit of pain from both – my left wrist I injured during a reverse bicep curl and my right elbow is simply tennis elbow.  I need to give both some time to heal and then hit them hard again to strengthen.

Cardio: 75 mins
Distance: 5.0
Calories: 1300 (elliptical + treadmill)
Crunches: 0

Total Distance: 284.99 miles (Goal 400/115.01 remain)
Total Calories: 71,890 (Goal 80,000/8,110 remain)
Total Crunches: 6,580 (Goal 25,000/18,420)

Good livin’…keep movin’!