My Weekly Tweets for 2012-03-11
- My Daily Read: Al Qaeda eulogizes senior commander killed in recent drone strike https://t.co/auY3CciB #
- My Daily Read: Obama: Time has come to wind down Afghan war https://t.co/BX6Yssn0 #
- My Daily Read: Panetta: U.S. Has Potential Military Plans for Iran https://t.co/af2mVAoY #
- My Daily Read: Sequester would be like a government shutdown for Pentagon, warns admiral https://t.co/sEl6Wvgk #
- My Daily Read: US adds Qods Force general as ‘Narcotics Kingpin’ for heroin, weapons smuggling in Afghanistan https://t.co/E98tFm2N #
- My Daily Read: Top Pentagon Officials Stress Risks in Syria https://t.co/VJOeVgNc #