This is basically my start of my second string on this new regime. Felt relatively strong, but not as strong as I would like to. I think if I want to get a real pump, I might really have to look into getting a better breakfast than I am right now. This morning I had 2 eggs and a cup of black coffee. I also, had a protein shake before and after my workout. I really need to focus on my eating…it is a focal point of this phase anyway, so that should go without saying.

Workout: Day 16 (T3/Upper Body II) – 82mins/1min rest
Pull down 1×12,10,10 (100, 110,110)
Seated Row 1×12,10,10 (100,100,90) / One arm rows (50,60,60)
Bent-over-raise 1×12,10,10 (15,15,10 )
Bent-over-raise 1×12,10,10 (10lbs plates)
Shrugs 3×12 (50,60,60)
Barbell Curl 3×12 (20,30,30)
DB Curl 3×12 (25,25,25)

Cardio: 30mins
Distance: 4.35
Pushups: 50 (at least 50 per day)
Calories: 930

Total Distance: 47.73 miles (Goal 250/202.27 remain) *
Total Calories: 9,584 (Goal 50,000/40,416 remain) *
Total Pushups: 810 (Goal 10,000 / 9,190)

Good livin’…keep movin’!