I first posted the below video last year at a time when I was feeling a bit nostalgic about the ’80s.  I truly believe that there are few things in life that are most important.  I believe that love is the most important and strongest emotion, feeling (call it whatever you want) in all of existence.  I believe if you have ever experience what it means to truly love and connect with other human beings, you cannot help experiencing sadness.  Because true sadness only comes when we are separated from the ones we TRULY love.  I can testify to this, because it has been  my existence…and something that I know quite well (spent several tours away from home in distant lands) .

First published here on Dec 30, 2011:
I really feeling pretty nostalgic right now.  I ran across Sinead yesterday and pull this song up and listened to it about a million times.  It has so many deep meanings.  This song is one of the purest songs ever made.  Her eyes are absolutely honest…absolutely honest.